Saturday, August 25, 2007

Random Thoughts

~I am looking forward to Fururama's comeback. The first will be Bender's Big Score. Sadly, FOX will still get profit from this movie. FOX hated Fururama and treated it like crap.

~I like Flight of the conchords, and this song is great. You have to love the self-edits. Too many Mother-uckers.

~I keep seeing the U of L police officer that pulled me over at school. Curse you fate.

~Nautica Thorn has a special public service announcement to all the Paris Hiltons and all the other celebrity sex tape folks... I always though Mrs. Thorn was always cute and I see that she a bit part in Knocked Up. You can guess what she played.

~I'm sure John Singleton is having the worst time of his life right now. I can't count the number of times I've come close to hitting someone that simply stepped out in the middle of the street.

~Joe has some interesting things to say about Pan and Scan, and I have to agree with him. I hate watching movies in Pan and Scan. It is a disservice to the movie. Note: I love that TV shows are moving toward widescreen as well. Just don't make those sitcoms widescreen, because they suck. You can get through this, John.

~Remember when they showed cartoons on Saturday morning and you would sit all morning watching them? Breakfast and Cartoons were the norm. Well, The Samurai Frog has a freaking great post about childhood and things past. I do remember the only way your mother could contact you was to yell outside for you come home, there were no cell phones. McDonald's was the coolest place ever. Ah, to be a child again.

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