Sunday, March 04, 2007

Today’s terms

Here we find a Friendasaur resting and acting as a cup-holder as well…

Don’t get too close.

Today’s terms,

Here are some interesting terms I dug up on Urban

Friendasaur: The ugly fat girl (ie Land Monster) that is inevitably best friends with a group of attractive females, or sometimes, the attractive female you are trying to have intercourse with. Like an NFL lineman, she will do anything she can to prevent you from attaining your goal. More often than not, the only way to get past this seemingly unpenetrable defense is to have a friend (prefereably a land monster slayer), hook up with the friendasaur. Much like a soldier in combat, one loyal slayer must jump on this perverbial grenade for the benefit of the whole battalion.

Comment: I found this term completely funny. I’m not going to lie, because I’ve done this for a friend once. I ran interference for the Friendasaur’s attack.

R. Lee Ermey: He was a real Drill Sargent in the Marines. That is how he played the part so well. Imagine how he treated the little pukes in the real world. Oh the things that he didnt show in the movie. Sucks to be them. Full Metal Jacket, best movie of all time!

Comment: I’m sorry there isn’t any Drill SSgt. Cooler than this guy. What is your major malfunction numb-nuts.

Stat whore: In terms of online gaming, some one that cares to much about there stats as to try to "pwn" all the "n00bs"

Comment: I’ve run into these guys a lot during online gaming. They’re annoying.

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