Saturday, March 03, 2007

Ford Fairlane (Dice) comes to VH1

Rolling the Dice again, Craps

Remember when Andrew Dice Clay was funny and famous? Well, he was never really that funny, but he was famous for a bit. It all came to a head when he released one of the worst movies of all times that went by the name The Adventures of Ford Fairlane. Plus, he had a very public (if a little fake) feud with Sam Kinison.

Then, he sort of faded away and randomly showed up on CNN, cussing out Anchormen.

The writer of the article gives us a rundown on this stupid ‘Reality show’. When I saw the previews, I wondered if Dice even deserves a show, let alone a comeback. It seems he’s gained about 40 pounds and lost some hair, but kept the jacket. I guess beer and cigarettes will do that to you.

I found some of his old stuff funny, but his movie and his old sitcom showed me he could suck and suck badly. Do we really need to re-live this stuff again?

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