Sunday, March 04, 2007

Aliens: Extended Cut (Part 1 of 3)

Aliens: Extended Cut (Part 1 of 3)

After creating such a masterpiece with Alien, where does sequel go from there? You respect the original by creating a new and completely different film with deep connections to the first movie’s continuity. You don’t try to copy the storyline from the first movie, but push the story further in a natural way. James Cameron came into the project seeking to create his own vision for the follow up. To everyone’s surprise, FOX agreed. The movie became a huge hit around the world, and with some people saying that it was better than the first movie. I’m not convinced it’s better than Ridley Scott’s film, but it is still a remarkable film.

It’s about Character!

One of the things that stands out about Aliens is the way the movie handles its characters. Ellen Ripley wakes up 57 years into the future, and her daughter has passed away. With combination of losing her only child and the horrible events in the first movie, Ripley is a broken character, defeated. She waked up every night soaked in sweat because she is scared. Sigourney Weaver plays Ripley so well in this movie that it doesn’t feel awkward that she’s apprehensive about getting back into space and dealing with those creatures again.

Cameron’s extended cut also reveals some slower character moments set during these horrific events. Each Marine has a defining character moment, and we get to care about these people. In many ways, Cameron gives us the same unhurried speed just as Scott did in his Alien film. This gives us the time to get to know the people around Ripley. After they land all hell breaks loose.

If it weren’t for Aliens movies, we wouldn’t have a Halo or any of the sci-fi first person shooters.
For Johnny, the facehugger was a major improvement.

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