Saturday, March 10, 2007

T4: The expanding of the belly

It didn’t take machines to take down Edward Furlong, but beer and pizza.

Aging can be a bitch sometimes. Well, it looks like John Connor has gotten fat and washed up. After Pet Sematary II, T2, and American History X, he sort of fell off the planet. The last thing I heard about Furlong was that the cops arrested him for setting loose some lobsters from a grocery store in my home state. After that, he just went away.

Now, TMZ has a photo of The Leader of the Human Resistance as he looks today. Something tells me the only thing John Connor could lead us to now is to a buffet. I can see the T2 coming to Connor’s house and realizing this Connor is no longer a threat to the machines, and the T2 would then power down.

I love the fact that he has a cigarette hanging from his mouth, and his hair is messy, while he holds on to a can of Rockstar energy drink.

Update: Here are more pictures. Hmm, maybe the Machines should win after all…

T2: “No more hamburgers and beer for you, John.”


  1. I don't get how they give up, do their parents take their money and make them end up like this? Is this Dickie Roberts?

    Most child stars end up having problems, 5 can be named right now.

  2. Yeah, they grow up angry and bitter about their past. They seem to all turn up bad. Robert Blake, Colman, and many more

  3. I think it is going from having power, respect and money to having none of those things that does it.

  4. You're right, but it might also be too much power at young age that does them in. Then it's gone
