Saturday, March 10, 2007

Lost Episode Enter 77

Lost Episode Enter 77

77 felt like a throwback to season 1. Back then; we got a great many scenes of Sayid, Locke and Kate exploring the island. In this episode, the rescue party looking for Jack stumbles upon Mr. Eye-patch’s home in the jungle. And, all hell breaks loose. I’ve always liked the character of Sayid. He’s always been a complete counterpoint to Locke. Sayid wants to get off the island, while Locke wants to stay. Unlike Locke, he doesn’t believe all the mystic things that happen on the island. This episode shows that very conflict.

Since this is a Sayid episode, we get to see just how truly badass he really is. The man gets shot in the arm, but is able to take down a fully able ex-Russian soldier. He looks at things completely differently than everyone else, he’s always scouting. I liked how he was able to tell that Patchy wasn’t alone and wasn’t part of the DHARMA Initiative group, but in fact a member of the Others. Locke’s fascination with the chess game was also right in character. His attention to detail pays off and we get to see Marvin Candle again.

This episode was already jammed pack, but I also found the flashback somewhat interesting. It wasn’t so much the storyline of the flashback but the actual emotional impact that drew me in. Locke also gets a lot of attention in this episode and we have to wonder if his actions in the last minutes of the show were by accident or on purpose. I’m looking forward to seeing how this tension between Locke and Sayid will play out in the next episode.

All around it seems like Lost is getting back to its roots and showing us very good interaction between the characters while revealing more about the mystery of the island.

Grade B+I found this storyline all right, but the present one better though.


I’m guessing we now know who’s glass eye that was way back in season 2.
Locke checking out the Lost Fan sites.

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