Sunday, March 11, 2007

Bibleman Forever

I can hear Lucas dialing his Lawyers right now.

I remember writing about Bibleman a while back, but now I have freaking clips to support my claim. No matter what your faith, you'll find this show is really bad. So, who is behind this mess? Willie Aames from Eight is Enough and Charles in Charge, two shows that should be forgotten forever. Like everything else, the producers turned Bibleman into a franchise. It has its very own terrible videogame and a spin off called Bibleman Jr. (How about Tiny Bibleman?) Below, I have two clips from that show.

Here's a weird clip with a guy that looks like a Rejected concept of The Mask. Why is he talking that way? The speeches are Lucas-worthy.

Here's one of those music videos made by the villains. He looks like a cross between The Riddler and The Mask (Again with the Mask). Lame, but strangely cool in a Bollywood way. Do Bibleman's villains really have time to dance and sing before taking over the world? Say what you want about being a bad guy, but this villain is cool. First off, he has a pimp cane. Second, he has chicks in green bottles that he can make appear by throwing the bottles on the floor. If I had dancing chicks in a bottle, I wouldn't ever look for a date again.

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