Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Lord of the Rings II: Ring Free, Die Hard

Another Lord of the Rings book is about to be released.

Comment: Looks like Tolkien’s son has put the finishing touches on the last book, The Children of Hurin. I like the title. Will it live up to the other books?

So, what’s the book about?

((The book, whose contents are being jealously guarded by publisher HarperCollins - is described as "an epic story of adventure, tragedy, fellowship and heroism."))

Uh, yeah, that clears it up for me, thank you.

((The author's son Christopher, using his late father's voluminous notes, has painstakingly completed the book, left unfinished by the author when he died in 1971. The work has taken the best part of three decades, and will signify the first "new" Tolkien book since The Silmarillion was published posthumously in 1977.))

This might actually be a good book. Of course there is already discussions about a movie. However, if New Line gets the movie rights, you better believe the Peter Jackson will not have anything to do with it…sadly.


  1. You know, i think that is exactly what will make this movie fail. Without Peter, i have bad vibes for this whole thing, you can just sense that it aint gonna work.

    I do hope the book is good, i got the whole LOTR trilogy in original Audio from way back in the radio and am listening to it, really nice and vintage like.

  2. nothing done by anyone other than jackson will be nearly as good. i am looking forward to the book though, it'll be nice having one last adventure in middle earth


  3. @ Blayde: That's exactly right, I think Peter Jackson has the grand vision and understanding of how Middle Earth works and is creative enough to bring it the screen. Sadly, the studio and Jackson's team really hate each other now.

    I need to pick some of those recordings.

    @ Paul: It will be interesting to see how people react to this new work. Filling in on Tolkien's notes was probably a huge undertaking, but can his son write the story in his father's grand style? We'll see.

    BTW, the book title kicks ass
