Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Random Thoughts

A single bird hit one of the rear wings and put the entire plane out of commission, causing a lot of damage.

Random Thoughts

~I work for UPS and I've seen my first Plane damaged by a bird. Keep in mind the plane I work on is a Airbus. Somehow, a bird flew into the tail as the plane was landing and caused a lot of damage.

~I played God of War II on the PS3, for some reason, it looks better on the PS3 than the PS2. I wonder if the developers made some enhancements to the game when it is run on PS3 hardware. This game is amazing, developers take note.

~My writing teacher is recovering from heart surgery and I went to see him. It was disheartening to see him in such a state. I was really upset by how frail he looked, and that he could barely talk. I was pretty much upset the entire day. It reminds us that life is fleeting. BTW, he's appears to be doing better.

~My first Semester at U of L is an interesting one. While I generally only talk to my professors, I've found my experience to be completely different from my time at a smaller junior college. There seems to be more of a community here at U of L, a lifestyle. I won't have anything to do with it, but I find the whole community aspect an interesting one.

~Things are going well, so far. I can't complain...really.

~Two scoops of raisins!

~Mayren has a neat collection of weird street signs. I love the Slow Down or Die sign.


  1. Thanks for the shout out sweets *big hugs*

    *random thoughts -
    I like Fiji Water
    I wonder when my new laptop will get here - the tracking number still says nothing new scanned in....damn is that my boss coming in? i better get back to work....*

  2. no problem, it's probably ground delivery, and they usually have around a week and a half to get it to you. Its probably sitting inside a truck somewhere.
