Thursday, March 29, 2007

Lost (Expose review)

Man, what a strange, but cool episode. The often-hated characters of Nikki and Paolo were the main focus of the latest episode of Lost. The writers were fully aware that the fans hated these two new characters. Hell, I even had a slight dislike of them. The writers decided to add Nikki and Paolo to the show this season by quietly having them appear in the background. Many people felt that they were getting rid of more complex characters like Mr. Eko for two good-looking, yet dumb people. To some degree, they were correct. I’m sure ABC wanted more young good-looking people on the show to get a younger crowd to stick with the show. It didn’t work, and the writers had to do something about it. And as we all know, Nikki and Paolo had to go…Lost style.

I found it sort of funny that the last episode these two characters will ever be on would be their best episode as well. We discover that Nikki and Paolo were some of the worst people in the survivor group. They committed murder for money and ended up double-crossing each other on the island. Not even Sawyer was as bad as these two were. I also enjoyed seeing things transpire from the earlier episodes through their point of view. We also get a hint a lot of the background players have their own groups, and they hang out together, while our main heroes embark on adventures.

I also liked that these two discovered things about the island before even the main characters did on the episodes. Yet, they didn’t tell anyone about it. They kept it all secret. Paolo even had an Others’ Walkie-Talkie hidden in his tent. Seeing the mystery unfold on how these two ended up ‘dead’ was a neat twist, so was the fact that Sun is let in on who really tried to kidnap her in season 2. Throw in a really cool Billy Dee Williams cameo and a creepy Ethan appearance and you have a good stand-alone episode that also forwards the Lost storyline just a little bit. If we’d know how evil these characters were beforehand, I think many people would have welcomed them onto the show more openly. However, I just loved the mean little twist at the end.

Grade: B-

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