Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Britney Spears Fed-up with K-Fed

Britney Spears Fed-up with K-Fed

((Pop princess Britney Spears has dumped her husband, wannabe-rapper Kevin Federline, according to court documents obtained Tuesday.))

Yeah, more like has-been dancer who starred in You Got Served.

((The Los Angeles County Superior Court filing cites "irreconcilable differences,'' court spokeswoman Kathy Roberts told The Associated Press.))

Irreconcilable Differences? More like ‘I married a bum that wouldn’t get off his ass and get a damn job’.

((Lui believes the divorce is a good move for the pop star. "There is probably no other couple in showbiz who are as hated as them... He's been seen as a gold-digger, an opportunist, using her to further his own career."))

Then I counter with, what career? He had many failed attempts at it, but he really couldn’t use Spears as a springboard. Maybe it was the CSI appearance that was her final straw.


  1. first thing that popped in my head when that news came out was 'saw that one coming.' but you have to give k fed this much, he redefined a gold digger. where as it used to be some young hot girl going after some old billionare, now the trait has passed along to untalented popstar wannabees.


  2. You have to love that fact that he smelled money on her, and you're correct he does give new meaning to Gold Digger.

    Here's hoping that he merely fades aways

  3. The sad thing is, Britney told him about the divorce through text message, and the scene was caught on camera.

    Look around on YouTube if you're curious to see it.

  4. Hey, thanks for the tip, just found it. Wow, what a way to end a marriage . I'll post it up in a few mins
