Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Identity Crisis (review and thoughts) Part 3 of 3

So, Batman walks in on this so-called mind wiping and he’s not a happy about it. One of best comments comes in the form of Flash (II), telling the future Flash (III) that he’d never seen Batman so pissed before. The rest of the League had to restrain Batman. However, this was when these League members decided to make of the biggest controversial decisions ever. They decide, with force, to wipe Batman’s mind of the incident. I found this whole Batman angle to be surprising indeed. I’m not going to tell you how Superman is factored into all this, but it’s a very small detail.

This whole cover up would begin to come apart in the major DC shake up Infinite Crisis. That’s when Batman begins to realize that he has some missing memories. I won’t discuss any of that here. However, I’m surprised that a large company would let their franchise heroes go down such a dark path. Usually, these suits don’t like taking chances, but I guess getting their collective asses kicked by Marvel and Marvel’s ‘Ultimate’ universes has changed their minds.

This whole mind-wiping story was merely a backdrop to a bigger story that was happing in the present. The woman that was raped, Sue Dibny, was later murdered and the main story is set during the murder investigation. This is probably one of the best comic books out there at the moment, and I highly recommend it to anyone that likes character-based stories.

(Note: Others have also had their minds changed as well, Catwoman being one of them.)

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