Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Final Fantasy VII info

Just some Random FFVII stuff

Here is a link to a FAQ that details the differences between the various FFVII games.


Comment: This writer did his homework. It’s worth reading, and I’d like to get my hands on the Playstation Underground Demo of FFVII. (Note: I fondly remember the Square Demo for FFVIII being very different from the final game, and that the GCI work was different as well.)

The writer then goes into great detail into why FFVII was incomplete. One of the biggest mysteries was the dropped bonus character by the name of ‘Boxer’. I wonder how along was his development before they dropped him completely. This Proto Cloud was also interesting as well. Then there was the dropped Summon called Golem. It was deemed too powerful and dropped by the company.

Another interesting thing was that Tifa was brought in late in the development and originally the game had only three characters. We all know that Aeris was suppose to always die very early in the game, but I’m not certain when she was originally suppose to die. I think her death was going to happen later on.

Final Fantasy SGI

Let’s not forget about the famous SGI version of the game that I mentioned earlier in my blog. · Video part 1

· Video part 2

· Video part 3

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