Sunday, October 29, 2006

Identity Crisis (review and thoughts) Part 1

Identity Crisis (review and thoughts) Part 1

It’s no secret that I’m a bigger fan of DC comics than Marvel. Yet, I have to give Marvel Comics credit for becoming a company that turned a profit during this decade, when they were going bankrupt during the 90s. The Marvel movies helped bring Marvel out of its financial hole, and this in turn jolted the writers in Marvel Comics to push the limits of their universe as far as they could. Their gamble worked, and Marvel ended up back on top, forcing DC to second place.

Of course, DC didn’t like this, so the company needed to make some major changes to its universe. DC knew they needed to shake things up and reshape their universe like they once did in the 80’s with Crisis on Infinite Earths. The beginning of these changes came with Identity Crisis (IC). This seven-issue comic story was the beginning of the end of the Justice League. I always found it interesting that villains couldn’t tear DC’s most powerful team down, but internal distrust from within the League could.

I haven’t read such a well-written comic book since DC’s Kingdom Come. The mature themes are handled with great care, and the artwork is very nice on the eyes. The main theme of the book is this: How far are Superheroes willing to go to protect the ones they love? You’d be surprised how far they go when you read this book. With the atmosphere of mistrust and fear in our culture, because of 911, Identity Crisis is a compelling mirror to today’s current events. When a certain villain does the unthinkable, certain members of the Justice League make a tough decision that will come back to bite them in their asses later.

End of Part 1

While I like this cover, the Wonder Woman one is cooler.

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