Monday, October 30, 2006

A few things to Iron out…

“Strike when the iron is hot…or on fire.”

Ironing my clothes is one of the few things I enjoy doing, while I watch movies. There’s just something calming about pressing off my clothes. Well, as I was ironing my clothes today, while watching my new Star Trek Klingon Collective DVD, I noticed that the power light on my Iron began to flicker on and off. I lifted up the iron and studied it for moment. The flickering subsided, and I went on to ironing again.

Later, I noticed a sharp electrical smell coming from my Iron. I looked down and saw that wire connecting to the iron was on fire with blue and white sparks shooting out. I was freaking out, as the sparks grew in size. I did the only logical thing open to me; I blew on the flame like it was a harmless candle instead of a growing flame with sparks flying out. And not surprising, the blowing did nothing to the fire. So, I just watched the as black smoke streamed out of the wire and the fire died out. What was left was a busted iron and my clothes smelling like electrical smoke.

Now, I have to get a new iron this week.

“All good things come to an end...sometimes in flames and sparks.”


  1. Iron you glad your clothes didn't catch on fire. I know. I can't believe I said that either.

    ps. yea I can :)

  2. lol, Strangely enough, the sparks left small black marks on my clothes, but no burn marks.
