Sunday, October 29, 2006

Rush Limbaugh vs. Michael J. Fox

Rush Limbaugh vs. Michael J. Fox

Comment: There are times when people go too far with their antics, and Limbaugh sort of crossed that line. There’s just something wrong about making fun of a person with Parkinson's Disease, no matter how you feel about the ad Fox made. I have to say Limbaugh truly has no heart. Agree or disagree with someone’s issues, but to make fun of their illness is just down right shitty. Limbaugh should know this considering that he’s a recovering drug abuser.

Here’s the Rush video,

I also found a video on Fox discussing the ad. I have to say that he’s in pretty bad shape, and he has trouble talking. I feel really bad for him.

Screw you, Rush. I hope you live a lonely life in your old age, listening to your shitty recordings of your radio show.


  1. That's just wicked wrong and oh so Limbaugh.

  2. He should know better, considering all the trouble he’s been in.
