Friday, September 08, 2023

Chris Chan Returns Home To Barbara. WTF

Is Chris Chan back home with his mother? Someone spotted Chris’ car outside the home of his mother, whom he raped.  After the charges were dropped, Chris was spotted around the area doing things he did before the arrest.  Keep in mind that Chris admitted to raping his mother numerous times, and that there was enough evidence to at least arrest him.  On a pending court date, Chris sat in jail for two years.  

Barbara is a horrible, mean, and manipulative person, but she didn’t deserve this.  Chris shouldn’t be visiting his victim.  He at least needs to never see her again and be on an RSO listing.  It is not a question of “if” but when will Chris have another go at her?  Not much sickens me, but this does.  

Even if he isn’t living there, Chris shouldn’t be visiting the house.  

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