Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Arleen Sorkin aka Harley Quinn RIP

Sadly, Arleen Sorkin passed away a couple of weeks ago due to a mixture of pneumonia and multiple sclerosis.  

First off, Harley Quinn wasn’t a part of the old Batman villain roster.  The producer created her for the show.  The comic book company took her and brought her into their continuity. Second, Harley Quinn was based on Arleen Sorkin herself, her voice actress.  Paul Dini, one of the prominent people in charge of the Batman cartoon, was friends with Sorkin and created her character.  Harley is also based on a character Sorkin played as a jester on Days of Our Lives.   Quinn has become one of the most popular characters in the DC universe.  When you bring up Batman, Harley has to be mentioned or talked about.  

I always wanted to know why Tara Strong took over most of the voice work for Harley Quinn.  Skorin’s health was progressively getting worse over the years.  That also explains why her voice in the Justice League was very different from her higher-pitched voice in the Batman series.  The TAS and Superman crossovers were in the 90s, and the JL series was in the 2000s.  However, she did the voice of Harley in some of the Arkham video games as well.  

Side note:  Did you know that she was married to Christopher Lloyd.  Yes, that Lloyd.  

Side Note II:  Here is the clip that inspired Dini to create Harley Quinn.  

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