Friday, June 30, 2023

You picked the wrong car to jack, fool

With that, this fool dies as he lived.  This happened in my city.  The shooting happened in the western part of Louisville in the Portland area.  Portland is considered the white part of the west end.  It is a pretty rough area.  

The thug that rolled up on an undercover cop car should have known something was wrong.  You don’t run up on a fully tinted windowed car with a gun.  It will either be a civilian with a gun or an undercover cop.  

“I wasn’t going to rob you.”  That was some of his final words before he died.  Uh, sure.  

He was wearing the mask, covering his hair and face, in June.  He appears to have a weapon.  It is also interesting that his “baby’s momma instantly shows up seconds later in a car.  Some in the comment believe she was helping him.  I am sure, but the thug presides fairly close to the area.  

His father had some comments to say.  Father Thug originally claimed that he just wanted to take the car out for a joyride.  Now that the reports are saying he had a weapon, his tune is a little different.  His obituary says “he passed peacefully”.  If peacefully, do you mean after the gunshots rang out?  There was nothing peaceful about his death.  He had a couple of children as well.  Real sad that he would pull something so stupid that those kids no longer have a father. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Jim Sterling and the Tiresome Dance of Bitter Insultery

While I didn’t see eye to eye with everything Jim said, I used to enjoy his/her work.  I agreed with him on some issues.  When he would attack poorly made indie games, it was some of the best stuff on the Internet.  These bad devs would shit their pants when he would go after them.  They would sue him only to have their cases thrown out.  Jim would hit them with lawyer costs and knock them out.  Those were the good old days.  

While not connected to his transition, something changed in Jim Sterling’s mind and he got angry.  I believe it was around the time of GamerGate.  It no longer became about reviewing games, but games had to have a “message”.  Not every form of media has a message.  Since then, he’s been talking down to his fanbase and treating them like children.  It is no wonder why his subs continue to drop.  Every time he reaches a sub drop threshold, he makes these bitter videos celebrating it,  

His bitterness and anger will be his undoing.  It won’t be the shitty devs that do him in. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Putin and Wagner Group rebellion

I was having a lousy weekend and feeling depressed, so I slept most of those two days.  When I woke up for a few minutes, I read about Putin almost being overthrown by a mercenary group.  It was a merc army run by a catering and restaurant owner.  I am NOT making this up.  So, what if Colonel Sanders or Dave Thomas owned a real army?  Despite not having that much support, he came very close to overtaking Moscow.  

I went to sleep and woke up Sunday, and the coup was over before it started.  The Russian Colonel Sanders backed down and left.  It was a form of coup blue balls.  Russia was starting to lose news attention due to the Titan implosion.    Hey, let’s allow Colonel Sanders to try to take out Putin. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

OceanGate's sub explores or explodes...

Well, these promo videos haven’t aged well.  I get an Elizabeth Holmes vibe from him.  It is an “ignore all the facts” and make it work.  The founder and CEO of Oceangate lived and died by his imperfect invention.  Basically, the submersible imploded.  They never had a chance of making it out alive, and there probably was a structural compromise.  It is a shame that he took four other lives with him.  

BTW, it seems very strange that the founder called his company Oceangate.  Given an extensive investigation and multiple lawsuits into the implosion, there WILL be an Oceangate now. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

IDAHO Whose Profiling Has Been On Point?

I genuinely believe that Bryan did this crime, and he did it because he’s been angry his whole life.  Like Bryan, the women didn’t really find me attractive or exciting.  No matter what I did, they weren’t interested.  So, I moved on and got into improving myself instead of worrying about how people perceived me.  I think Bryan was that awkward and nerdy kid growing up like me.  Unlike me, Bryan felt entitled to the hottest women in the area.  For my generation, you moved on or hollered at someone in your league.  When they didn’t bow down to his greatness, he planned to kill either or two of them.  

Remember, a knife means it is personal.  The manner in which he stabbed one of the victims seems to indicate that sense of anger toward one of them.  One of those young ladies represented 15 years of bullying and ignoring him, despite these girls not doing anything wrong.  

I will make another statement.  If Bryan was a bit older, I think he would have shown up at one of Chris Hansen’s stings in the early 2000s with a murder kit. 

Bryan knows he's screwed, but he is going to ride this horror show right to the death penalty. I saw him grinning in court, and he's enjoying this.

Monday, June 12, 2023

About that murder case from 2006...Update

I wanted to give you an update on the convicted murderer that was up for parole.  Despite the KY Gov site being buggy as hell today, it was revealed that Ray’s parole was rejected.  He will serve out his full 20-year term in prison.  I guess the victim’s now grown daughter/son talked to the board.  Some people warned me that I might be in danger when he gets out.  I don’t have to worry about it until 2026.  He knows where to find me.  If he wants to confront me and “settle the score”, feel free.  I’ve lived an eventful life, and I have no kids or children.  

BTW, I found this video from 2016 talking about his victim, via his mother.  I was looking back in my archives and I noticed the mother of the widow left a comment.  

((Anonymous said...

I don't know Ray but I know the victim's family and it was MY family. What a price to pay for "SNAPPING". Now my granddaughter has NO FATHER!! My daughter has NO HUSBAND and his, LARRY'S parents have NO SON, etc. on and on.


It's time for RAY to own his responsibility for his actions for SNAPPING!!!!


  Here is a comment from a coworker.  

(( Anonymous said...

I worked at the distribution center with Ray...He was always on edge and always had a look on his face like he was ready to start trouble..I read another statement where someone said people judge him by the way he looked?..that the dumbest thing ive ever heard. he was a rude Creepy person who never went out of his way to help anyone at work. God will judge him but I hate him for what he did . Only a COWARD needs to get a gun after getting his ass kicked. He killed a good man who had just found out his bride to be was pregnant. I HOPE HE ROTS IN HELL!!!!))

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Jeff Stacy Police Report: Just a few more questions. It's a question. Maybe a thought or two, but it wouldn't have gone further

I know people looked up the police report, but something about Jeff Stacy’s death still doesn’t sit right with me.  Stacy died from an overdose in a car parked in the Walmart lot.  Strangely, the car was sitting in the parking lot for at least two days, meaning Stacy’s body was either slowly dying or rotting away for two days.  I think he was sitting there for more than two days.  The sad part is NO ONE was looking for him.  Why didn’t his beloved wife search for him or talk to the police?  

After hearing his last e-mail, I think she either pushed him into an overdose or something far more sinister happened to him.  Leeann was a drug counselor, who was a recovering drug user and relapsed either before or after his death.  From Stacy’s point of view, Leeann was a monster who bullied him.   

This is just my opinion and not fact.  She hasn’t been convicted of his death.  She is only guilty of burning down an apartment complex and stealing personal meds.  

While I laugh and mock Jeff Stacy, it is sad that no one from his family wants to look into it. 

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Bryan Kohberger is a Handmaiden in a tale

Guess who showed up in one of the strangest places?  Bryan Kohberger.  For some reason, Kohberger showed up to a book-signing/speaking engagement for feminist writer Margaret Atwood.  She is the writer for the series Handmaid's Tale.  Why was he hanging out in a room with women, the people he really hated, listening to someone that doesn’t agree with him?  I think Kohberger was an INCEL and planned to take out one or two of the girls he deemed too hot for revenge for all the women that ignored or mocked him.  

He looks so awkward and strange in that photo. 

Monday, June 05, 2023

Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse Hmm

I was more of a DC Comics guy, but I always liked Spider-Man a great deal.  Spider-Man felt like he would fit right in DC Comics.  

I haven’t decided yet if I want to go to the theater for the new Spider-Man movie yet.  I haven’t been in a theater in a long time.  Likewise, I used to go to see movies there all the time.  Hell, I spent most of my life watching movies in the theater.  I usually went by myself and didn’t take dates.  I was more engulfed in the film even when lucky enough to take a date.  This explains why I don’t go out on dates much, if ever.  

Anyway, I really liked the last animated Spider-Man movie.  I heard good things about the newer movie from some co-workers.  I will probably see it next weekend, by myself. 

Because I hate being around people, part of me doesn't want to go. Keep in mind, I didn't even bother going to the last two Star Wars movies.

Thursday, June 01, 2023


Finally, the chickens have come home to roost.  Danny Masterson, the POS, has been found guilty of two counts of rape out of three charges.  It has taken a long time to reach a fitting end to this terrible saga finally.  Matherson is a horrible person that takes advantage of women from within that stupid Church of Scientology.  

Matherson will have to live away from the general population because he is a sex offender and famous.  So, he will probably get beat up, hopefully.  You better believe there are secret meetings going on in Clearwater and Hollywood Scientology centers.  

Side Note:  I had no idea that Billy Baldwin is friends with Matherson.  Where has Baldwin been all these years?  Does he decide to show up for a rape case?  Yep.  

The video below hasn't aged well.