Monday, June 12, 2023

About that murder case from 2006...Update

I wanted to give you an update on the convicted murderer that was up for parole.  Despite the KY Gov site being buggy as hell today, it was revealed that Ray’s parole was rejected.  He will serve out his full 20-year term in prison.  I guess the victim’s now grown daughter/son talked to the board.  Some people warned me that I might be in danger when he gets out.  I don’t have to worry about it until 2026.  He knows where to find me.  If he wants to confront me and “settle the score”, feel free.  I’ve lived an eventful life, and I have no kids or children.  

BTW, I found this video from 2016 talking about his victim, via his mother.  I was looking back in my archives and I noticed the mother of the widow left a comment.  

((Anonymous said...

I don't know Ray but I know the victim's family and it was MY family. What a price to pay for "SNAPPING". Now my granddaughter has NO FATHER!! My daughter has NO HUSBAND and his, LARRY'S parents have NO SON, etc. on and on.


It's time for RAY to own his responsibility for his actions for SNAPPING!!!!


  Here is a comment from a coworker.  

(( Anonymous said...

I worked at the distribution center with Ray...He was always on edge and always had a look on his face like he was ready to start trouble..I read another statement where someone said people judge him by the way he looked?..that the dumbest thing ive ever heard. he was a rude Creepy person who never went out of his way to help anyone at work. God will judge him but I hate him for what he did . Only a COWARD needs to get a gun after getting his ass kicked. He killed a good man who had just found out his bride to be was pregnant. I HOPE HE ROTS IN HELL!!!!))

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