Thursday, June 29, 2023

Jim Sterling and the Tiresome Dance of Bitter Insultery

While I didn’t see eye to eye with everything Jim said, I used to enjoy his/her work.  I agreed with him on some issues.  When he would attack poorly made indie games, it was some of the best stuff on the Internet.  These bad devs would shit their pants when he would go after them.  They would sue him only to have their cases thrown out.  Jim would hit them with lawyer costs and knock them out.  Those were the good old days.  

While not connected to his transition, something changed in Jim Sterling’s mind and he got angry.  I believe it was around the time of GamerGate.  It no longer became about reviewing games, but games had to have a “message”.  Not every form of media has a message.  Since then, he’s been talking down to his fanbase and treating them like children.  It is no wonder why his subs continue to drop.  Every time he reaches a sub drop threshold, he makes these bitter videos celebrating it,  

His bitterness and anger will be his undoing.  It won’t be the shitty devs that do him in. 

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