Saturday, March 18, 2023

Star Trek Picard Season 3 Episode 5 Imposters

Star Trek Picard season 3 is starting to become a great story.  I truly love that the TNG crew is dealing with the enemies of DS9.  In episode 5, Ensign Ro shows up after 30 years.  I didn’t see that coming.  I literally said, “OMG, that’s Ensign Ro”

Given that the Dominion killed or hunted down the Maquis, I thought Ro was one of the fallen.  It is revealed in this episode that Ro quit the group and turned herself into Star Fleet.  She’s been working as a security/investigator, looking into the Changelings.  

Ro was one of my favorite characters from TNG because she had an edge and a chip on her shoulder.  She reminded me of myself.  She is also the basis for Kira Nerys over on DS9, another favorite character of mine.  

It is good that the episode concludes the hanging storyline from season 7 with Picard and Ro.  Just as they bring her back, they take her away.  Those dirty Changelings. 

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