Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Amanda Bynes: Gone wild, actually.

Remember Amanda Bynes?  

Amanda was that actress that was popular back in the early 2000s.  She became known for her mental incidents during her latter days.  She went crazy on social media and it became somewhat an entertainment.  However, it came out that something weird was going on between Dan Schneider and her.  

Well, Amanda has backslid and ended up naked roaming the streets confused.  So, she now has a psychiatric hold order in place, which is a good idea.  Something happened to Amanda in her past to have her act out in this way.  Could it be her time on those kids’ shows with a certain producer?  That’s just my opinion.  

Getting back to the Dan and Amanda thing.  Recently, a video of Dan and Amanda was leaked on Twitter.  It seems a bit strange.  Did he fart in the hot tub?  Why is a grown man sitting in a tub with one of his young actresses? 

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