Monday, February 13, 2023

Votesaxon07. what did you do?

Stephen McCullagh, aka Votesaxon07, might be one of the worst people I’ve seen in a while.  

So, this YouTuber faked his live stream for an alibi.  Allegedly, he went out during his “live stream” and killed his pregnant girlfriend.  His fake-ass live stream went on for 6 hours, and he rambled on and on, pretending to be interested in the game.  He claimed he couldn’t see chat due to some internet problems.  Yeah, sure.   He just took an older, pretaped, video and played it as a live stream.  

His channel and fake stream are still up.  I’ve watched clips here and there.  The man is a piece of shit, and he clearly thought he was a smart little f’er for faking an entire stream and planning his girlfriend’s murder.  It all seems so fake because he can’t interact with the chat, so he screams and looks into the camera.  

Someone in the comments did mention that he will be going to an Irish prison with some really mean people, and they don’t take kindly to child murderers.  I hope he lives the rest of his life in fear of beatings or worst things.  

Side Note: This was found on his Twitter timeline, which is still up.  

((2022 was the worst year of my life. 

You will never know the levels of suffering, loss, and cruelty I was subjected to, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm not ok, and I don't think I ever will fully be myself again. I've just lost too much. 

But I'm still here.))

This is terrifying to read now.  So, he was planning his GF’s murder earlier that year.  Yes, you are still here, but your girlfriend and her unborn child aren't. What a self-centered asshole.

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