Saturday, February 11, 2023

Magic the Gathering: Butt, wait there's more.


This was one of the most horrifying things I’ve seen.  This brave soul went to a Magic the Gathering event and took selfies with people’s ass cracks.  At a certain point, you have to feel the cool breeze flowing through your butt cheeks as you sit there.  Were the Cheetos and Magic gameplay too excellent for you not to notice?  

Plumber ass, more like gamer ass.  I am sure the smell in that hall was something akin to a trash fire, sweat, and ass.  This happened back in 2014 I guess and I can’t believe I missed it then.  I am a huge geek, and Magic was a bit too geeky for me.  Also, I noticed that many single dudes tend to show up to these things, right?  I know women play the game, but there seem to be a much of guys sitting at tables.  Crap, is this my generation's version of a bingo hall?  

One more thing, I am sure there is a Rule 34 where hot chicks are playing Magic the Gathering in some fashion. 

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