Saturday, January 21, 2023

Officer Megan vs. five guys...The law won.

Five guys, why does this sound familiar?  

A person I know told me about Officer Megan.  He told me this woman was getting more wood than a fireplace.  Hey, forget about all the time you put into going to the academy when you can be in a gangbang.  Am I right?  I am all for people going out and letting their freak flag fly, but to jeopardize your career is a bit much.  

The person showed me a photo of Officer Megan, and it wasn’t what I thought.  Look, I am not the kind of guy that would pass anything due to a poor game, but even I find her to be…less desirable.  Why would a bunch of dude-bros want to pile onto her like she was a fumbled ball?  She looks like a cabbage patch doll.  

This is actually a porn genre.   It involves female police officers having sex with various criminals.  This isn’t the only time I’ve reported on cops having sex with people while on the job.  Do you remember when Barbie Cummings blew a cop to get out of a ticket?  If you can look hard enough, you can find photos of the incident.  

Is Megan going to start an OnlyFans?  

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