Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Ghost from the past: 2006.

Note:  I must be coy about what I can say for legal reasons.   

Because of some other issues coming up, not harmful, I thought about a murder case I was involved in between 2006-2009.  I worked with a guy that became a murderer later in life.  I watched as he became paranoid and mean.  His victim was a normal man that went to work every day and did nothing to the guy.  The guy followed him to a restaurant and threatened the victim.  The victim defended himself and the guy killed him in cold blood.  You got your ass kicked, but now you want to kill him.  You’re the one that followed and confronted.  That’s the part that makes me so angry.   

The guy had a gun in the car, meaning he was waiting for an opportunity to use it.  Given my history with him, that concerns me.   

His victim had a child on the way.  Today, that child would be 16–17 years old.  This kid grew up not knowing his father because the guy made a terrible choice.  I discovered that this guy is eligible for parole this year.  That makes me a bit upset.  He knows my name and where to find me.  I am okay with that because I don’t have any family or wife.  Will the victim’s wife and offspring talk to the parole board to keep him in jail for another three years?  His total sentence release date is 2/21/2026.  The victim’s child will be an adult at that point.   

By the way, I’ve seen his prison photo and he looks rough.  The years haven’t been kind to him.  20 years have taken its toll on him. 

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