Monday, October 17, 2022

Calls Btw Players Morning of Dan Markel's Murder (7/18/2014)


When I look at the call times between the alleged conspiracy group, it is very chilling.  These people bounce around in phone calls and texts as if they’re planning a birthday party.  Even after the murder of Dan Markel, they acted as if nothing had happened and went on with their entitled lives.  Katie Magbanua got some bolt-on boobs with her blood money.  Charlie Adelson would go on and date a bunch of women and impregnate one of his friends’ help.  The wiretaps are interesting, if not sickening.  

Right now, Jeff Sokol twin Charlie Adelson is still awaiting trial.  Given that this is happening in Florida, we could see him walk away.  However, three out of the seven co-conspirators are in prison. 

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