Tuesday, July 12, 2022

I am not Mariko or breaking glass or ass


I can’t believe that DC Comics gave her another comic book character and series to kind of ruin.  This one happened before the Starfire book.  Generally, I don’t care if someone completely changes a long-loved character like Harley Quinn.  I get upset when a writer shoves her pain and political views so forcefully into a story.  By all means, weave the politics into a story, just don’t do it so hamfisted.  There were many girls that grew up on the Teen Titans looking up to the bright Starfire.  Mariko Tamaki wants to knock every hot girl she remembered in high school in the form of Starfire.   


So, she also ruined another beloved female DC Comics character.   


She put a true blue self-insert character into her, I am Not Starfire story.  She made herself the main character, thus revealing her poor personality.  This is one of the worst things you can do as a writer.  That is something everyone new writer should NOT do in fiction.  I find it frustrating that these hacks get into writing to merely spread their beliefs and not for telling compelling stories.  Oh, well.   


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