Thursday, July 07, 2022

An ordinary day in Bel Fries NYC


I am not sure if I should be turned on or horrified, or a bit of both.

The best part about this video is that two of the hoodrats nearly take out their friend by throwing shit.  You got to love the crowd of horny men watching them destroy a Bel Fries joint.  They also start to twerk during the assault.  Why?  So, why did these three “women” go into beast mode?  It was over the extra
charge of sauce…$1.75.  I am sure they’re into “sauce”, but not the restaurant kind.  Remember, stupid people will never disappoint or bore you.  Enjoy those assault charges. 

Side note: I am looking for the other angle of this attack, given all the thirsty men filming them. Did they just use it for their spank bank?

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