Saturday, June 25, 2022

Jeff Sokol’s Day in Court


It is time to talk about our favorite pizza-eating predator, Jeff Sokol.  And, I am not talking about Peter Bright, either…the other pizza-eating predator.  Sokol, I know you read and watch everything about yourself. 

I love that we found out that Sokol went through three lawyers and one of them even died trying to deal with this case.  I believe Sokol wanted to fight it to the higher court.   Given that he had hard evidence against him like the alcohol and the supposed marriage contract in his car.  He also had recordings and chat logs against him.  BTW, we also learn that he was taking up martial arts…just like Jeff Stacy.  Hmm.  

He has time and time again attempted to soften the blow of his actions with every excuse.  I didn’t know he tried the “I’m lonely” INCEL defense.  Bitch, you were 44 years old and drove nearly 150 miles to see a freaking 13-year-old girl.  


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