Saturday, June 25, 2022

Akilah Obviously A look back


Sargon and I really don’t see eye to eye politically anymore, but he had some excellent remarks about game journos back in the days of GG.  When Trump hit, Sargon and I started to see things differently.  However, I love that he gave a smackdown to Akilah Obviously.  AO tried to slap Sargon with a false copyright strike, and it went to court.  Sargon fought it and got it thrown out. Sargon went for lawyer fees against Akilah.  The problem is Akilah Obviously started talking and bragging about destroying Sargon over the false claim.  Any good lawyer is going to tell you to shut the fuck up and don’t talk about it.  She couldn’t help it, so she went to social media anyway.  This hurt her.  

I can see her point of being defensive. She and I grew in the same state and we have similar backgrounds. I grew up without much of a father figure and felt damaged, however, don't go after critics with copy strikes.

So, what has happened to AO?  Her channel has been dead for three years.  It feels like Bold Guy all over again.  

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