Friday, May 06, 2022

The Embarrassing Collapse of Kim and Kanye's Marriage

At a certain point, all the sisters are going to start looking more like slightly puffy-cat-like people.  People talk about all the fake stuff done to Kim, but Khloé Kardashian is the one that looks completely like a different person.  She went from being the tall awkward sister to the strange bobble-headed skinny white girl.  It is truly odd. 

The whole family is odd.  I think Kanye would have been better off not hooking up with Kim.  The Kardashian family is a group of talentless vampires that suck the talent and minds of famous black men.  They drain the talent and drop them at their lowest.  Kanye should have known.  

I hate Kanye West now, but I liked him when he tried back in the day.  Now, he is a hollowed-out mess of his former self. While Kanye has talent, both of them are terrible people.  

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