Sunday, May 08, 2022

About that lost Space Channel 5 MTV show...


I remember MTV and Sega making a deal to have Space Channel 5’s main character show up on their channel.  At the time, it made sense because video games were blowing up and MTV wanted a connection.   Ulala was going to report the music news, and they even made a pilot episode, but it did get any further.  However, I do believe they used Ulala in some promotional segments for MTV VGAs.  

I truly believe this show would have worked and been successful today.  Given all the anime girls and cat boys, I believe this would have been a huge hit.  They were doing VR and cartoon characters as TV hosts already, and this show would have been just Ulala reading the news with some pre-set dance moves and walks.  

Did Apollo Smile do the voice for the pilot?  It sort of sounds like her.  I am aware that Apollo didn't reprise her role for the new game. 


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