Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Elon Buying Twitter? Okay


I wanted to give my short thoughts on Elon buying Twitter.  However, Boogie really summed it up for me.  I do think the blue-hairs and check-marks will not be happy.  

Maybe he can clean Twitter up and make it a less toxic place.  Given the obsessive nature of Twitter users, I seriously doubt it.  For some reason, people are so transfixed with sharing their shitty opinions that their entire lives outside of Twitter fall apart.  It is either to talk about Trump-Man-Bad to owning the libs.  From Spoony to Arthur Chu, I’ve watched people destroy their lives because they wanted to send out a stream of tweets instead of fixing their lives.  

So, do I really care if Elon Musk owns Twitter?  Nope.  I use the info on Twitter, but I don’t use the platform myself.  The format and concept of Twitter have no interest to me, but I enjoy watching people from my generation ruin their lives over it.  

In the end, it won’t matter.  People will continue to cancel each other and shout and scream via a limited amount of characters.  

So, where does this leave Truth Social?  

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