Sunday, April 24, 2022

Comment Spam: The Return


Comment spam is a blast from the past.

I have been a blogger for a super long time.  With the shit show that is Twitter, I am one of the few bloggers still floating around the blogosphere. There have been a lot of changes during my tenure in the blogosphere.  Being a long-form blogger is like being a dinosaur.  So, it always surprises me that there are people that still post comment spam within my blog.  After some 15-plus years, I still get the same damn comment spam.  I’ve noticed a bit of an upswing of comment spam on my blog.  Why would they even bother?  With the easy-to-use blogger interface, I usually delete them rather quickly.  What’s the point? It just seems odd to go around with comment spam on a platform that people don’t use anymore…other than me. 

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