Thursday, March 31, 2022

Bruce Willis leaving acting


All the rumors of Bruce Willis having a brain disorder were true.  We now know that Bruce has been suffering from Aphasia.  It is a brain disorder that causes problems communicating.  The reason I know about it is that the show DS9 did an episode on it.   


It all makes sense now.  For the past three years or so, he’s been doing really terrible international movies in the same manner as Steven Seagal.  Around 2020, he started doing these low-budget movies, and he went all-in with the next year.  He did 8 movies in 2021, and they all were bad performances, with Willis not doing much in them.  He was often seen with an earpiece in scenes.  Furthermore, he seems disinterested or confused in many of the scenes.  Clearly, he was cashing in before he retired.  It is sad to see a major actor turn to shitty movies that clearly are mob money laundry fronts.   


Everything from him burning bridges with his fellow actors and directors now makes sense.  He is smart for him to step away from acting.   


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Chris Rock Goes On A Date With Will Smith! | The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

YouTube’s program can make jokes too about the slap-chop Will did to Rock.  I was digging into the slap and YT presented this very old Fresh Prince of Bel-Air clip.  Rock and Will shared the screen together back in the 90s on his show.  Was this a CB4 reference?

I wrote this in the comment section.  ((Payback has no statute of limitations))

I got into a bit of a disagreement with some people over in the YouTube comments.  Like Twitter, they didn’t realize that I was making a joke about Will and Jada.  People took my smart remark seriously.  They thought I was siding with Will.  Keep in mind, I’ve been writing about the strange things Will and Jada have been doing behind the scenes.  My biggest issues are with Jada and her undercover connections to Scientology.  She and Will backed a stupid school that was an undercover Scientology private school and didn’t really come clean about it.  

I also find it interesting that she doesn’t tend to seek help from therapy for her failing marriage.  Is it because a certain church doesn’t want you to submit to them?  So, I am delighted people are starting to look back into that connection between Scientology and Will and Jada.  You’re going to see a battle between people claiming that Jada has no ties to the Space Church and people that say otherwise.  I hate to sound like anti-vaxxers but do your own research. Part of the reason she wanted to shut Chris Rock down is that she was brought up with Scientology’s idea of knocking down all criticism.  To be fair, people say that Jada hasn’t been a member since 2015, but her behavior kind of reminds me of other Scientologists.  


Child Predator Runs from Police: To catch a dumbass


The piece of shit about went up to a ten-year-old girl and followed her around Walmart, touching her.  The child told her mother, and the mother chased the creep out of the store.  Something tells me he’s done this before. 

Given that he wouldn’t shut up and ask for a lawyer, it shows this guy isn’t that smart.  I have to say that the police did a wonderful job in this case.  They researched tapes and got records to discover his identity.  So, it is not a shock to discover he’s a creepy rocker from the 80s with social issues.  

While I don’t want to give advice to predators, don’t try to run away from police officers when you are completely out of shape.  He runs like a wounded rhino and attempted to talk to the cops as he's fleeing from them.  So this bright guy is looking at 60 years in prison.  That means he’s going to get turned out if he lives in the general population in the clink.    

The best part is this.  

“You don’t think that resembles you in the slightest?”

“I’m not gonna agree with that.”

What kind of non-answer is that?  

Moreover, you have to look at his mugshot.  It is priceless.

Why the long face? Literally.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Chris Rock gets slapped by Will Smith

I don’t usually care about the Oscars or award shows in general.  When unscripted things happen, I am all in for it.  It appears Will Smith jumped up on stage and slapped Chris Rock.  Then, he yelled at Chris.  The expression seems very real to me. The Jada Smith joke was a bit lame, but I think Will is projecting his anger out about his relationship with his wife.  Jada and Will are having major problems.  Perhaps, those Scientology classes aren’t working.   


If you have a problem with Rock, beat his ass after the show.  Something tells me that Rock and Smith aren't going to hang out at the same parties. There will be fallout after this incident.   

Please have famous people attacking each other on awards more often.


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie: a strange tale


Ah, yes, the Power Rangers movie.  One of my most popular posts was from my post about Mariska Hargitay replacing Gabrielle Fitzpatrick as Dulcea. Gabrielle was the original choice and had the role.  They filmed some scenes, she got sick, left, and they brought in Mariska.  She was replaced with Gabby again and her scenes were thrown out.  Many of the scenes with Dulcea and her warthog-type friend were thrown out completely.  Dulcea played a much smaller role in the final product.   

The movie came out in 1995, the same year I graduated from high school and went right into college.  At the time, I really liked the movie.  I liked it even more than the series.  Now, I can see the flaws, especially the CGI.  CGI was terrible.  


Let’s talk about those see-through helmets.  That was a terrible idea and it caused them so much headache.   

It was only much later that I heard about the behind-the-scenes issues with the movie.  More or less, scenes were filmed, reshot, and reshot again.  There also seemed to be a “us vs. them” attitude between the movie and TV show productions.  Things got so bad that the actors were filming their different scenes in their TV show outfits and switching to their bulkier movie outfits at the same time.  Instead of working together, both productions seemed to go out of their way to distance themselves.  This is odd because Transformers fit right in the TV series.  X-Files’s first feature went out of its way to stay in the continuity with their show, and even the Simpsons movie worked hard to stay in-universe with its current shows.  The Power Rangers series completely ignored the first movie.   


He-Man and The Masters of the Universe movie

Midnight’s Edge did a great job with the story behind the strange and forgotten live-action He-Man movie.  

I really hated the live-action He-Man movie and even watched it in the theater way back in 1987.  I still remember watching it with my family and felt disappointed with the overall effort of the movie.  It felt like a cheap version of the He-Man movie.  It almost had nothing to do with the TV series.  Plus, it was 87, and Transformers and GI Joe were the ones popular at the time.  

What was the point of having the movie come out during the waning years of the toyline? Why did they cast Dolph Lundgren to play He-Man?  However, Meg Foster and Frank Langella were great choices for their roles.  Otherwise, the movie is a complete and utter failure, and even a young me felt that way.  

BTW, I had no idea She-Ra was supposed to be in the movie as well, but some legal reasons kept her out.  

That plan for Masters of the Universe Part II looked to be one of the worse ideas ever.  However, it did morph/mutate into Cyborg.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Chris Hansen calls out Wingsofredemption

Wings of Redemption, aka Richard, gets called out by Chris Hansen.  I love it.  Congrats, Wings.  Yep, Wings, shut up and stop throwing away salads.  

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Live Streamer pepper Sprays Friend, gets arrested, is stupid



First off, she’s sort of cute in a melted candle sort of way, plus she is crazy, and I like them crazy.  However, she is an IRL streamer and has an annoying voice, so those are subtractions.  Oh, and you maced your friend for no reason…point-blank.   If he’s your ride, perhaps don’t spray mace at him.  I’m guessing that was a deal-breaker in their relationship.  

It gets even better when her entitlement is strange to show when the cops show up and arrest her.  She lied to the cops and claimed that she accidentally sprayed him.  Yep, sure.  The friend even tries to shield her and make up a story.  She doesn’t realize cops can watch the stream, despite you taking it down.  

Are all IRL streamers pieces of shit? I can't be bothered to find out what happened to her because I hate her so much.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Man Gets Power Slammed And Knocked Out By Taco Bell Employee

This Taco Bell employee deserves a medal of tacos or something.  The guy clearly has some fighting experience and saw that attack coming.  Why should he get punishment?  Act like an aggressive asshole, win stupid prizes.  I think I screwed up the saying.  Douchebag thug woke up from his floor wax nap and left before EMS showed up. I guess getting your ass kicked in Taco Bell is embarrassing.

Why does this remind me of this incident?

Half baked - Kenny Loggins


This joke always gets me every time.  The notion that Kenny Loggins's music has one value, but decreases when he actually signs it, is funny as hell.  I’ve told this many times to people.  BTW, how does Kenny feel about this joke?  



If you can remember, Coffin was the one that allegedly created a fake girlfriend to piss off another woman he was allegedly stalking.  Back in the day, Coffin did terrible online skits.  Then, he grifted onto the SJW trend, even going as far as spending hours in chat with Zoe Quinn talking about GG.  He got married and divorced, thus completing his beta-man-time-loop.  He seems to drift and grift onto any trend he can.   


For his latest magic trick, he seems to be REALLY into Russia and communism.  Someone in KF spotted him in this strange cosplay communist/pro-Russian gathering.  When you check his collab-channel, he talks about only Lenin and Russia shit, while he trashes the left and center DEMs.  How things have changed.  Most of their videos get around 1-2K in views, so people would rather hear him talking about being beta than trash on the left and the rich left.  Back in 2014-16, Peter was beloved by the left, but now they hate him.  Somehow, both the right and left hate him.  People like me just sit back and mock him.   


So, he’s become a mouthpiece and white knight for Putin.  Do you want to wash that taste of Putin out first?   


Side note:  It looks like Coffin removed all the videos he did with his ex-wife.  Hmm.   


Side Note 2:  Something about this group really scares me, and the leader has some Stalin vibes.   BLM and other left groups, watch out for these people that hide in your protest.  I am just saying.   



Monday, March 14, 2022

G4 Hypocrisy Tell em, Frosk

It seems very odd that G4 switched their channels’ names and rebranded them.  G4 is Xplay and Xplay is G4.  Why?  Was it because of the meltdown Frosk had on your channel?  And, it appears they’re really trying to piss off the PS5 fanboys just to get traffic to their channels.  It isn’t working.  Plus, they’ve canceled a few of their shows and are focusing on E-sports.  

Then, there is the Amouranth thing.  They brought in a hot girl/streamer on one of their shows.  She literally showed up half-naked, bouncing in a tub of balls.  I am not complaining about that, but it is a bit hypocritical to go on a rant and your network has this as content. You can’t make this up.  

Even if you go down the tits and ass route, it is only going to take so far.  There is a reason Pornhub and other adult sites are popular.  Just like the SJW stuff, the dudes for dudes' shit will get boring too.  It should be about tech, video games, and e-sports. Drop the T and A and the SJW stuff.

At this point, just pull the plug on G4. 

Side note: I am not dissing the T and A, because I enjoy my share.