Wednesday, March 16, 2022



If you can remember, Coffin was the one that allegedly created a fake girlfriend to piss off another woman he was allegedly stalking.  Back in the day, Coffin did terrible online skits.  Then, he grifted onto the SJW trend, even going as far as spending hours in chat with Zoe Quinn talking about GG.  He got married and divorced, thus completing his beta-man-time-loop.  He seems to drift and grift onto any trend he can.   


For his latest magic trick, he seems to be REALLY into Russia and communism.  Someone in KF spotted him in this strange cosplay communist/pro-Russian gathering.  When you check his collab-channel, he talks about only Lenin and Russia shit, while he trashes the left and center DEMs.  How things have changed.  Most of their videos get around 1-2K in views, so people would rather hear him talking about being beta than trash on the left and the rich left.  Back in 2014-16, Peter was beloved by the left, but now they hate him.  Somehow, both the right and left hate him.  People like me just sit back and mock him.   


So, he’s become a mouthpiece and white knight for Putin.  Do you want to wash that taste of Putin out first?   


Side note:  It looks like Coffin removed all the videos he did with his ex-wife.  Hmm.   


Side Note 2:  Something about this group really scares me, and the leader has some Stalin vibes.   BLM and other left groups, watch out for these people that hide in your protest.  I am just saying.   



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