Thursday, March 24, 2022

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie: a strange tale


Ah, yes, the Power Rangers movie.  One of my most popular posts was from my post about Mariska Hargitay replacing Gabrielle Fitzpatrick as Dulcea. Gabrielle was the original choice and had the role.  They filmed some scenes, she got sick, left, and they brought in Mariska.  She was replaced with Gabby again and her scenes were thrown out.  Many of the scenes with Dulcea and her warthog-type friend were thrown out completely.  Dulcea played a much smaller role in the final product.   

The movie came out in 1995, the same year I graduated from high school and went right into college.  At the time, I really liked the movie.  I liked it even more than the series.  Now, I can see the flaws, especially the CGI.  CGI was terrible.  


Let’s talk about those see-through helmets.  That was a terrible idea and it caused them so much headache.   

It was only much later that I heard about the behind-the-scenes issues with the movie.  More or less, scenes were filmed, reshot, and reshot again.  There also seemed to be a “us vs. them” attitude between the movie and TV show productions.  Things got so bad that the actors were filming their different scenes in their TV show outfits and switching to their bulkier movie outfits at the same time.  Instead of working together, both productions seemed to go out of their way to distance themselves.  This is odd because Transformers fit right in the TV series.  X-Files’s first feature went out of its way to stay in the continuity with their show, and even the Simpsons movie worked hard to stay in-universe with its current shows.  The Power Rangers series completely ignored the first movie.   


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