Sunday, January 02, 2022

Sparks enters

Good old Michael Sparks

For shits and giggles, I decided to look up the first person to enter the US Capital.  Of course, the first asshat was from KY.  He is lives 40 minutes from Louisville.  Sparks has his own DOJ page with his arrest and court information.  The government arrested him mere days after the riots, which I find amusing.  Despite being caught on camera entering the building, he pleaded not guilty.  

Now, I did find a Michael Spark, a different one, from Louisville.  He passed away in 2019.  This one looks like he’s related to the other Sparks, and his parents met in E-town.  The rioter Sparks is from E-town.  Are they related via cousins?  I’m too lazy to do more digging.

So, congrats on making history, Sparks. You were the first to enter the building.  For once in your life, you did something bigger than yourself.  Too bad it was a federal crime, dumbass.  Jan, 6 was the day the fools took over for one day. 

I love the religious shirt.

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