Saturday, January 01, 2022

Just a few more thoughts about Lindsey...

Where are the Change the Channel people to back Lindsay up? Where are the people that defended Zoe Quinn? Why does Todd in the Shadows and Dan Olsen have muted responses? It is like they are afraid of the cabal of blue-haired-checkmarks to come after them too.  When GG happened, Todd and Dan were very vocal people against that group, but they don’t seem to have the same fire for one of their so-called friends being attacked.  The one person with a measured and thought-out response is Lupa.  Lupa was the one that canceled Spoony back in the day.  Change of heart?  I can’t believe I respect her a little more today.   

Linkara, where are you at?  A woman is in distress, a woman you know.  

It is so odd that an untalented hack like Quinn can garner so many white knights, but the same group refuses to take up arms and defend Lindsay.  Despite her flaws, she does have talent and hasn’t left an 85K project dangling.  It makes you think.   

BTW, the memes have been amazing lately.   

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