Saturday, October 09, 2021

We are back in 2014 again...





Uh, Brianna, it’s been nearly seven years since GamerGate.  I am not going to get too much into this development because she doesn’t deserve the attention.  We’re not in 2014-15 anymore, Miss Wu.   

Even the bigger players in the controversy have moved on.  Heck, Zoe Quinn didn’t even mention you in her shitty Gamergate book.  Mundane Matt is just mundane, and Peter Coffin is just beta.  Ethan Rapha has self-destructed. Everyone has either moved on or evolved into smaller movements.  Why even develop a GG series seven years later?    

Wu, what happened to your VG company?  Wasn’t that important to you?  What about your congressional career?  


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