Friday, October 08, 2021

Finn: The lost Star Wars hero...

The video above is a good essay on the forgotten second hero of the SW series.  At some point, Disney got cold feet and shifted John Boyega’s character away from Rey.  So much for having a black leading character in SW and being woke, Disney.  I really liked Finn, and it would have given us a look at the First Order from a guy at the bottom of the empire, but that was completely dropped.

I really liked The Force Awaken, but Finn clearly got shifted away from the forefront.  There were late reshoots that lessen the focus of Finn to make Rey more of the leading character.  Then, it is clear that Finn was supposed to also have force-powers, just like Rey.  There was also a hint of a romantic relationship.  I am guessing they cut out most of the glances and looks between Rey and Finn. 

 Disney went out of their way to draw a line between Finn and Rey in The Last Jedi.  Finn become a secondary character in the second movie, and we went off on a stupid side mission that never amounted to anything. Disney and Rian Johnson shoehorned Finn with Rose Tico. 

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