Tuesday, October 19, 2021

ShinBlade "Who Bitch This Is?!" Returns again

This one is an oldie but goodie.  This happened somewhere around 2014-15.  I wrote about this story years ago when it happened.  I wanted a cheer-up, so I dug this meme up again.  When I first saw the video, I thought it was a short nerd that grabbed him.  

It has angered me more than it did in the past.  It is troubling to see a white woman put a black “in his place” and for him to sit down.  Nope, this isn’t the 60s, lady.  If you have a problem with his shit, call him out, but don’t grab him like a child.  She’s lucky he acted restrained like he did because others would and acted much stronger.  Then her simps and her tried to get him DQ’ed for her actions.  Allegedly, she lied, claiming he touched her first.  She only changed her tune when it was discovered someone filmed and posted it.  

She wrote an apology post, but I can’t find it anymore.  

Note to any stompy-white girl, don’t grab a black man and force him to sit down.  You won’t like the outcome.  This is coming from a black man.  

Side Note:  The fine young lady in the video is/was a competitive gamer as well.  Not sure what she is up to seven years later.  Is she still trying to force minorities to sit down?  

Side Note II: Please watch the two black guys behind Shin.

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