Monday, October 18, 2021

Peter Coffin grift on, bro

For some reason, I decided to look up our favorite beta-as-fuck guy, Peter Coffin.  I wondered how he was doing after getting tricked into marrying a woman and getting divorced.  He also got canceled by bread tube, which seems to burn him.  

Peter, looking more like a creepy Minecraft player, seems to have abandoned his channel for now and move over to some other channel for the podcast.  He hasn’t updated his old channel in 4 months. Looking at his videos today, Peter seems tired and stressed out.  Did his divorce and attack from the bread tubers break him down?  

Anyway, Peter’s new podcast channel isn’t doing all that great.  He gets around 2K to 700 views.   It shouldn’t matter when you’re not making money from your videos, but Peter has always wanted to be a full-time YouTuber.  He grifts from one left-leaning movement to another. 

I find Coffin an interesting, if not stupid, person, because he’s grifted from one group to another.  When they’re tired of his antics, they kick him out.  

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