Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Russell G is suing AGT WOO HOO HOO

In a strange way, I’ve been into this creepy little goblin-butternut-head dude for a while.  It is like Chris Chan and DSP wrapped in a mutant creature.  Due to his legal threats, I need to make this warning that this whole post is my opinion and nothing else.  

Russ, you haven’t learned a gosh-darn thing.  Our sue-happy shithead Rusty has decided to sue another person/production.  After failing numerous times of suing Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande, Russ has set his legal eyes on the production company behind the show America's Got Talent.  After taking an L from Swift, Grande, and the Kiwi Farms, you would think he’d learn his lesson.  Nope.  Butternut-head hasn’t learned anything and repeats his mistakes.  Aren’t you tired of paying legal fees to the people you lose to?  

Russ has this crazy notion that getting famous is more important than having talent.  Instead of busting his ass on his music, he wants famous people to notice him and take him under their wings.  “It’s not what you know.  It’s who you know.”  When he gets rejected or turned down, he sues them, such as it is with this newest lawsuit.  

Russ doesn’t understand that the reason people reject him is not because of his disabilities, but his attitude and entitlement. Every lawsuit you send out burns ten bridges, and you will never work with any singer of note, Russ.  You are not going to listen to me, so I will sit back and enjoy the shitshow.  

Well, he could get a gig with R Kelly. 

Yep, good luck trying to take down Hollywood, NBC, and numerous industry leaders from that show, Russ.

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