Sunday, October 31, 2021

Mass Effect 3 Ending Was REWRITTEN and more thoughts

Well, we all knew that there were major issues going on behind the scenes of Bioware and EA.  While the main storyline wasn’t perfect, it was working.  The final part of the ending completely fell apart and didn’t work with the overall story and concept of the Mass Effect series.  Why shoehorn everything down to three narrow endings that are contradicted to the story?  While there is another ending planned for ME3 in the early stages of ME2, we also know about the thrown-out Reaper Queen.  Choices should have mattered.  

While EA and BW heard the backlash, and they added the extended cut.  It helped, but the shoehorned endings were still there.  Plus, they added that stupid snark “refuse” ending.  Clearly, that was added as a middle finger to those that called the team out.  Overall, I think the team needed another 6 months to make the endings work.  

It kind of reminds me of the shitshow that Star Trek Enterprise’s finale episode.  The show was in a different place, and Berman and Braga came back in and added their ending that contradicted the entire 4th season.  It is funny seeing the similarities with both franchises. Will we ever get a proper STE ending?

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