Friday, August 06, 2021

One more Chris Chan story for a while. He makes his court appearance.

One more update on Chris Chan…

Well, our rapist clown-man appeared in court.  He showed up and started to interrupt the judge and correcting him about “misgendering him”.  Chris also shouted out that he was “famous on the Internet”.  Then, Chris had the nerve to ask the court to let him go home and pick up some toys.  Instead of worrying about his old mother, whom he raped, he’s worried about gender pronouns and his toys.  Go f’ yourself.  

Luckily, Chris will stay in prison/jail until September 16.  Chris will sit in a female prison/jail for nearly a month and a half.  So, no video games or toys.  While Chris will love to be around nothing but females, his autism is going to get the best of him because he doesn’t have his creature comforts. 

Side Note:  Chris Chan’s POS van was vandalized and someone stole his custom-made license plates.   People have been doing airsoft drivebys on it too.  

 I won’t write another post about him until his court appearance if he kills himself in prison or new charges are brought against him. 

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