Saturday, August 07, 2021

Karen hates Tigger flag

Being the asshole I am, I would have put 17 Winnie the Poo flags in my yard.  Yeah, you heard that right.  This was not a BLM or a MAGA flag.  It was a Disney character for a children’s show.  This grandmother Karen went to someone’s door to complain about a Tigger flag in their own home.  We are out of all problems if this is what Karen is worried about.  

Of course, there is a racial component to it.  This entitled white woman wanted to put this black family in their place by coming over and complaining about a damn children’s flag.  Is this the hill you want to die on, Karen?  

BTW, this is how you handle a Karen.  You treat them with kindness and send them on their way, confused. 

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