Monday, August 23, 2021

Linkara is the Lightbringer Returns

Since Change the Channel shit, Linkara has become more and more unstable.  Despite some of his quarks, I respected him and his work.  Heck, his humor was similar to my own writing.  Now, he keeps going on these strange Twitter rants.  He doesn’t realize the double standard of his statement.  Linkara, you made a shitty webcomic.  So, what?  Embrace it and move on.  The fact you get your panties in a bunch just makes the trolls mock you more.  Plus, you are a content creator that reviews and mocks other artist work.  Aren’t some of them NOT proud of some of the work they’ve done that you have reviewed?  So, he also did a rant on Doug and his views comparing their streams.  

Lewis, we've all done work we're not proud of. The novel I worked on nearly 15 years ago is unreadable to me. I get it, but you have to have thicker skin.

Lewis is very quickly becoming either Spoony or a shittier DSP.  It is sad to see these Channel Awesome folks start to fall apart.  Is it because of social media?  Is it because many of them haven’t had a regular 9-5 job in a decade? 

If he wanted a redemption run, he'd suck in his pride and ego and review and mock his own shitty comic.

Anyway, check out his latest rant.

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